Sunday, February 1, 2009

Fear and Love

Man it has been a long time since I have written anything. However, a close friend of mine encouraged me to do so and I think I'm going to make this a regular thing. I really really enjoy writing and I'm always fascinated to see how little or big it helps others. It really is a joy of mine so today I was blessed with a topic while falling asleep for a nap here we go!

I believe there is one fundamental desire in this world that drives a high percentage of why we do anything, why we act the way we act, and how we make decisions. I feel that the desire to be loved is one of the strongest factors in how we react to life. We work hard in hopes that our efforts are noticed by those we want to impress or those we want to take pride in us. We pick out our outfits, workout at gyms, eat a certain way in hopes that we are attractive to others. We pursue certain passions and hope that someone out there notices what we are good at only to be intrigued and that they would be interested in who we are, what we do and how we do it! I believe that this desire when not met, in correlation with another feeling I'll explain later, is the reason that drives those out there to addiction or to take paths that don't offer them happiness, success, health, positive relationships, and other enlightening opportunities. I for one have had experience with feeling this way and being a victim to something I thought would bring me happiness but only provided a short term escape from the things I found painful. In working to remove this idea, I realized that there was another feeling that drove many of us to act a certain way, feel a certain way, and again make certain decisions. I believe that just how the desire to be loved is a powerful force in our lives, fear has the same powerful force in our daily lives.

Now if the desire to be loved in all its forms is such a powerful desire of our heart, how does fear coincide with this?! Fear and Love go hand in hand! I was reading a book where it described our beliefs as a table. What we believe is based upon evidence or references to support this belief, described as the table legs. Our beliefs would not be able to be upheld if it weren't for the references holding that belief up. Therefore, if someone has been in a long relationship where the negatives outweighed the positives, but they believed they couldn't find someone to "love" them the way that person did...That fear of the unknown would overpower the true desire to be loved in a way they should be loved. The same follows for following your dreams. I read stories of older individuals stuck in a job that may pay the bills but they are extremely unhappy. The fear of not knowing what would happen emotionally, the fear of failure, and maybe more importantly the fear of taking a financial hit would OVERPOWER the desire to do what they truly loved and to be loved for doing that. Take a second to think about the things or decisions in your life that may be held back by fear. The desire to be loved is scary, it's vulnerable, and it's nerve-racking...However, the rewards from taking the jump and using the fear as the fuel to power your dreams and true desires are astronomical. Pain can be taken two ways in life. It can be crippling to the point of emotional death or it can be the power of opening your heart up to awakening a potential in you that you never thought possible. Which one would you rather experience? Trust me when I say that whatever people have told you up to this point in your life that could be a negative catalyst for you means nothing when you decide that you have a choice to decide what you mean to yourself. Find people who can give you the table legs to uphold your belief of being a powerful and intriguing individual in this world. Don't let fear dictate the belief that no matter what happens in your time on this Earth, the desire to be loved should always be possible. Every negative experience can be turned into the opportunity to change yourself, change someone else's life and to change the world. Don't underestimate the power of love and fear and how they both can be used to jump start your dreams, your life, and your potential :)